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  • Who is the CRTB2 for?
    The VCR2 and NCR2 have been developed for potential high calibre staff of graduate ability or above. Appropriate for graduate recruitment and senior management assessment, these tests can be used to identify management potential and for further training and development needs. In addition, they are ideal for assessing those of graduate ability or equivalent to ensure that they have the required level of verbal and numerical ability.

    New self-scoring answer-sheets
    The VCR2 and NCR2 are now supplied with self-scoring answer-sheets and therefore unlike the VCR1 and NCR1 do not require any additional software for scoring or interpretation. The scoring mechanism has been carefully designed to ensure ease of use and minimise scoring errors. In addition, the VCR2 now incorportates an innovative correction for guessing. This obviates the problem that, due to the three-point response scale that is used in most verbal critical reasoning tests, it is possible for respondents to get 33% of the items correct simply by guessing. Simple to apply, the correction takes into account the number of items that the respondent is likely to have guessed, and adjusts the raw score accordingly.

    Quicker than most other critical reasoning tests to complete, the Critical Test Battery can be administered on-screen, on-line or in pencil-and-paper format in 40 minutes plus administration time. Providing the ultimate flexibility of manual or computerised scoring and norming, the GeneSys system offers the option of immediate reporting against published or in-house norms. Consisting of tasks which are much closer to typical management functions than most traditional reasoning test items, the VCR2 and NCR2 are ideal for selecting and developing high calibre managerial and technical staff.


    Verbal Critical Reasoning (VCR2) This test directly assesses the ability to understand semi-technical reports and accurately draw logical conclusions and inferences from such written information. Consequently, it forms a key assessment device for all managerial and professional jobs which require quick and reliable interpretation of written reports and appropriate decision making.

    Numerical Critical Reasoning (NCR2) This test directly measures the ability to understand and critically evaluate a wide range of numerical information presented in tabular form, and accurately use this information in a logical way. Consequently, it forms a key assessment device for all managerial and technical positions which require a detailed understanding of financial, numerical and statistical data.

    Reports for CRTB2
    Decision-maker and candidate feedback reports are provided for CRTB2. Profiles in decision-maker reports present raw score, number of items attempted, sten and percentile ranks against a choice of normative samples.

    Acrobat Fact Sheet

    CRTB Reference Set £25
    Manual £15
    CRTB Question Booklets (10) £60
    CRTB Answer sheets (50) £12.50
    Self-Scoring Answer sheets (10) £25
    Scoring Keys (N/A)
    GeneSys Credits 1

    Purpose Assess high level critical reasoning ability
    For Graduate & management calibre adults
    Qualification Level A
    Duration 40 minutes + administration time

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    psychometric testing - psychometric assessment - psychometric software