Psytests Online

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All Psytech tests (and many more) can be administered directly onscreen using GeneSys. GeneSys takes care of all the test related instructions, examples and timings. It can be set up to administer a single test or an entire battery of measures. To facilitate test administration in remote locations, GeneSys can create an install system with a fully working version of any on-screen test or battery installed on the system. These electronic versions of the test booklets can be administered directly from a CD or installed on to a stand-alone or networked PC. Data generated from the assessment can later be imported back into the main system for scoring and reporting.

Scoring & Interpretation
Data from paper and pencil tests can be captured either via keyboard in raw or item response scores or via the optional medium of a scanner (see below). Once the results are stored in the GeneSys database, they can be interpreted in a variety of ways to meet particular assessment requirements and situations.All Psytech tests have a choice of associated narrative reports including individual feedback, decision-maker reports, groupreports, profile-match reports and many more. All reports have been compiled by psychologists with years of experience in interpreting particular tests. In some cases the reports have been produced by the test authors themselves thus providing invaluable psychological expertise at the touch of a button.

On-line Manuals
For all Psytech tests supplied with Genesys 3, an up-to-date technical and user manual is included.  This allows users to search for the specific information required e.g.

GeneSys 3 users can access the latest versions of manuals at this website on the specific test information pages.

At the point that tests are administered or interpreted, GeneSys 3 will deduct a specific number of credits from a counter/dongle. Credits are deducted once, providing unlimited access to all reports (decision-maker, feedback, etc) for the respondent assessed. Credit stock can be updated by telephone or via the Psytech web-site and once updated, can be applied to any of the Psytech proprietary measures.

Updates and Support
Full user support is provided to the designated user of the system. This extends to both the software and the assessment materials provided with the system. Furthermore the latest version of the Genesys 3 software and all the applications (manuals, tests, reports, questionnaires, statistical procedures) is always available to Genesys 3 users as a free download from the Psytech web-site or directly from Psytech.

All GeneSys 3 reports and applications can be customised to meet user requirements. Although Genesys 3 tests and batteries include a choice of different report styles, additional reports can be designed to focus on, or fit in with specific assessment demands. This might include integrating test data with ratings from other sources or interpreting the data within a competency framework.  Customisation can be undertaken by the user with the aid of the Developer Module (see below) or by Psytech International and our distributors.

Because the testing market is rapidly expanding and the lifespan of some assessments is limited, the Genesys 3 system has been developed on a modular basis. This not only allows the user to choose from an existing library of available applications but provides the user with the option to add new materials as they become available. Any system can hold an unlimited number of different measures with a virtually unlimited number of reports. On-going development ensures that we will not only keep up to date with the latest advances in psychometrics, but aim to be at its forefront as far as computer-based assessment is concerned.

To ensure confidentiality of sensitive test data and in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act, Genesys 3 has a sophisticated password facility which limits access to designated parts of the program and database. Each member of staff using the system can be allocated a password which only allows access to information to which is appropriate.

Acrobat Fact Sheet

Genesys 3™ Credits £3.00
200 credits (minimum purchase) £600
300 credits (10% discount) £810
400 credits (15% discount) £1020
800 credits (20% discount) £1920
1200 credits (25% discount) £2700

Tests Supported by Genesys 3
GeneSys 3 supports an impressive range of test materials all of which can be supplied to qualified test users as part of the initial installation at no additional charge.  Additional materials can be added on request or commissioned. This makes the widest choice of psychometric test materials available within a single system including:



15FQ+ MBTI*#
Occupational Personality Profile Prism
Values and Motives Inventory Neo
Jung Type Indicator OPQ Concept*
Occupational Interest Profile  
Graduate Reasoning Test  
Critical Reasoning Test Battery  
Technical Test Battery  
General Reasoning Test  
Clerical Test Battery  

Interpreters for all leading measures of aptitude and ability.* Interpretation only# MBTI is a trade mark of CPP

psychometric testing - psychometric assessment - psychometric software